The Author Dr. S.V. Gupta has Master Degree in Physics from Allahabad University and in Mathematics from Agra University. He did his PhD Degree in Diffrimoscopic image from Delhi University. The Author has undergone advanced Trainning at the International Bureau of weight and measures, BIPM, France : International Organisation of Legal Metrology, OIML, Paris France, National Physical Laboratory UK ; PTB, Germany.
He has been Associated with various projects with National Institute for Standards and Technology, NIST,USA, and PTB, Germany. The Author is One of Pioneers in the field of Metrology and has been associated with legal Metrology right from the drafting stage of Standars of Weights and measures Act, 1956 and Metrication in India. Design and dimensions of existing metric weights and capacity measures are some examples of his earlier work. The standards of Weight and measures Act, 1976 was passed by the Parliament when he was the Director of wights and Measures Government of India. During his tenure as Director, All the six set (7) of Rules, Namely Packaged, Commodities, National Standard General (Specification of all weights and measures including Weighting and measuring instruments). Approval and Models, Interstate trade and commerce were prepared and finalised. As Director, He was Instrumental in creating three Regional Reference Laboratories, He has served the national Physical Laboratory, New Delhi for 37 Years. He devoloped Laboratories concerning measurement of mass, volume, density and viscosity from scratch to the state of international repute.
National Award : He has been awarded with the title of "Mapiki Ratan" (a Jewel in Metrology).
International Award : He is the member of The institute of Physics, UK, He is (the first Asian whose name has been placed) in the Honours and Awards list of the OIML, Since 2004. he has received the letter of appreciation from the measurement Science Conference USA as developer of Tutorial on Valumetric Measurement for their Workshop.