D. P. Mittal
B.Sc., BA (Economics), L.L.B is an advocate, tax and business law consultant. He
has a long experience in administering tax laws
as an officer of Indian Revenue Service and in
advising investors and entrepreneurs on legal,
commercial and tax aspects of investment
in India as an advocate now and previously
as a senior adviser in the Indian Investment
Centre, New Delhi (a Government of India
Organization). He has authored widely
acclaimed books - Principles of Constitutional
and Administrative Law; Interpretation of
Statutes, Wills and Deeds; Law Dictionary;
Principles of Business and Commercial Laws;
Competition Law; Law relating to Limited
Liability Partnership; Administrative Law;
Arbitration Law; Law of Trademarks, Passing Off
and Geographical Indications; Law of Patents;
Information Technology Law; Law of Benami
Transactions; Law relating to Formation of
Companies; Law relating to Company Meetings
and Resolutions; Law relating to Corporate
Financing; Law relating to Corporate
Governance; Law relating to Investigation, SFIO
and Fraud; Mergers and Acquisition; Indian
Double Taxation Agreements and Tax laws in
India; GAAR; Law of Transfer Pricing in India;
Treatise on Direct Tax Code ; Law of Sick
Industries; Offences and Prosecution ; and
many more, besides more than two hundred
research articles in various Journals and