Handbook of Company Law Procedures
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Handbook of Company Law Procedures, is yet another innovative publication from the house of Corporate Professionals, aimed to provide complete understanding of various compliances under the Companies Law. This book synthesizes the various compliances required under the Companies Law, Securities Law, FEMA etc. related to an event at one place in a simple, clear and easy to understandable format. This book reflects authors' extensive hands-on practical experience, drawn from various departments of the organization, as professionals, consultants and practitioners in their respective fields to provide a complete insight of compliance management. The Handbook follows an innovative approach by presenting end to end compliance requirements for more than 180 events. Each procedure covers the following: 1)Governing Section(s)/Rules/Regulations and Forms 2)Important Provisions and Pre-requisites; 3)Exhaustive step by step procedure including but not limited to a.Board/General meetings required with SS1 and SS2 compliances; b.Disclosures, advertisements and public announcements to be made under the Companies Act/SEBI Regulations c.Web-site and stock exchange disclosures d.Forms and documents filing e.Central Government/NCLT/RD/ROC/other approvals f.Post compliances etc.; 4)List of documents required for filing forms/making applications etc.; 5)Draft Board and General Meetings Resolutions; 6)Detailed action-wise Timeline.

Corporate Professionals


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